A person may work for years earning and saving money and then put the assets into a trust. Deciding where to keep these assets should not be taken lightly. The person who earned this money probably worked hard so he or she could offer this money to heirs, potentially...
Month: September 2012
Estate planning can help family members and protect assets
Managing a parent's or spouse's estate is probably one of the last things a person wants to do after losing a loved one. Estate planning is a very important issue though. In order to ensure a person's assets end up in the intended person's pocket, one must plan an...
BJeanette Ruizasic tips for preparing a will
While death may not be a subject many people are comfortable considering, preparing a will is an essential step in ensuring that your assets are distributed as you wish. And while the prospect of preparing a will may seem daunting, there are a few steps you can take...