Many in Miami likely dread the prospect of not being able to make decisions for themselves. If and when they find themselves (or someone that they love) in such a circumstance, they may hope that another family member or friend will be given the right to make...
Month: April 2017
Do I need a generation-skipping trust?
Even if you are one of the many Florida residents who already has a pretty firm estate plan in place, you may find now a good time to review that plan. As life changes, so too might your estate plan. One of the tools you might want to consider is a generation-skipping...
Filing an estate tax return extension
As the executor for the estate of a family member or friend in Miami, the one area that may cause you the most trepidation is dealing with the having to pay estate taxes. Those who come to us here at The Law Offices of Frye and Vazquez, P.L. with their tax questions...
Examining the exemption to the prudent investor rule
In the past, this blog has detailed the prudent investor rule as it applies to trustees in Miami. Simply put, it requires that trustees invest trust assets with the right amount of research and judgment one would expect from a reasonable, prudent person. This...