On behalf of Law Offices of Frye, Fortich & Garcia, P.L. | Apr 9, 2018 |Estate Planning
When you are coming to terms with your parents’ mortality, getting their estate affairs in order and protecting them from financial abuse are priorities. However, you and other Florida residents with aging parents may also be concerned about their emotional and physical well-being. For many, the challenges during the golden years can lead to depression and isolation. You and your relatives may play a vital role in helping your parents age with dignity and continue to feel useful and important to the family.
Nobody wants to feel left out or like they no longer matter as much as they once did, states Focus on the Family. This is especially true for seniors as they age and are unable to keep up with their younger relatives like they used to. You might address these challenges by involving your parents in your life as much as possible. You could schedule regular lunch dates or dinners with the children and grandchildren. Your parents may enjoy writing in a journal or making videos recounting the adventures and wisdom accrued throughout their lifetime. These activities can help them feel valued and bridge the gap that often develops between old and young.
It is also important to ensure your parents are participating in regular physical activity, if possible. You can strengthen your relationship and keep them active by going on walks together, enrolling in a water exercise class or helping them with limited mobility exercises if they are confined to a wheelchair or bed.
Reinforcing your parents’ value and giving them dignity during their final years are as important as helping them with their estate planning and other legal needs.